Know about me

0101 My name is Mary.

Know about me

0102 Things you should know about me

Know About Me

0103 We love and care (Family)

Know about me

0104 Who are these people?

Know about me

0105 Who (Occupation)

Know about me

0106 What is she like?

Know about me

0107  My grandma is kind to me.

Know about me

0108 I clean my room.

Know about me

0109 I clean my room continuation

Know about me

0110 I can do it.

Know about me

0111 Goldilocks And The Three Bears

Know About me

0112 My Beloved Father

Know about me

0113 My Daddy

Know about me

0114 Put on the Pupper Show

Around School

0201 What I learn

Around School

0202 What I learn 2

Around School

0203 Things in my classroom

Around School

0204 Class Rules

Around School

0205 Let's go camping

Around School

0206 Sport day

Around School

0207 English Day

Around School

0208 English Day 2

Around School

0209 Places in my school

Around School

0210 Places in my Town

Around School

0211 How can I get to canteen.

Around School

0212 How can I get to canteen 2

Check up body

0301 Doing a Check-up.

Check up body

0302 Knowing your feeling

Check up body

0303 Going Advice

Check up body

0304 Going to Hospital

Check up body

0305 Food Survey

Check up body

0306 We love and Care.

Check up body

0307 Going Shopping

Check up body

0308 Eating Out

Check up body

0309 Food Group

Check up body

0310 Keeping yourself clean

Check up body

0311 Keeping yourself clean 2

Check up body

0312 Cleaning Time

Check up body

0313 Cleaning Time 2

Check up body

0314 You look great

Healthy Food

0401 Hygiene and Foods

Healthy Food

0402 You look Great

Healthy Food

0403 Fruits and Vegetables


0404 Telling the time

At Home

0405 There's no place like home.

Daily Routine

0406 Daily Routine


0407 Jobs

Use Should

0408 Should, Shouldn't


0409 Personality Adjectives


0410 Reading Comprehension about family


0411 Party Time


0412 Road Safety


0413 How to use Some and Any


0414 Fun Food


0415 How to use This,That,These,Those


0416 Members of a Family


0417 How to read the date.


0418 A Surprise Party